New York 18 Hour CCW Course




This course satisfies the MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR CLASSROOM and TRAINING CURRICULUM required by NEW YORK STATE for Concealed carry firearm safety training.

Click to view course schedule Calendar

  • This course includes 16 hours of in-person live classroom instruction and 2 hours of live-fire training.
  • Each student must demonstrate proficiency by achieving a minimum correct answer score of 80% on a written test covering the course curriculum
  • Each student must demonstrate proficiency by successfully completing a live-fire assessment.
  • If you do not have a firearm, no problem, a selection will be supplied during the class at No additional charge.
  • Ammunition is included for the qualification at no extra cost.
  • If you own a firearm and want to bring it along please feel free to do so.
  • Bring eye and ear protection (eye and ear protection are available for purchase at the range).