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New Jersey Conceal Carry Weapon FAQ

If you have questions about obtaining a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit in New Jersey, this FAQ page has all the answers you need. Discover the requirements, application process, and other important information about carrying a concealed weapon in New Jersey.

NJ Handgun Laws

New Jersey Conceal Cary Weapon FAQ

  • Pursuant to Attorney General Directive No. 2022-07 dated June 24, 2022. “Justifiable need to carry a handgun” is not required.
  • We recommend you submit a complete online Concealed Carry Permit application with all the required documents.
  • If you take Florida or Utah CCW, that will not cover New Jersey.
  • You need to practice the course of fire because it will be pass or fail. Qualification must be within two (2) years of application.
  • Residents who have a Local Police Department must submit their online Concealed Carry Permit application with the correct ORI Number (Click to search for ORI #) assigned to their Local Police Department.
  • Are CCW carriers exempt from transportation rules? Once you have an NJ CCW, the firearm you are carrying does not need to follow transportation rules. However, this does not apply to other firearms you might be transporting.
  • Exempt from carrying loaded mags? Once you have an NJ CCW, you no longer have to rely upon the exemptions!
  • Does NJ CCW have Reciprocity? Some states recognize NJ’s permit, but at the moment, NJ does not recognize any out of state permit.
  • You must renew your NJ CCW every two years. The same process for applying is also the same for renewing.
  • We will not be offering prints/notary/passport photos at this time. You are responsible for the entire application process.
  • Do I have to qualify with all the guns I want to carry? No, you can qualify with any gun you own and then list the guns you want to carry on your application.
  • Can non-residents apply? Yes! NJ does not distinguish residents from non-resident!
  • Concealed or Open Carry? New Jersey is a Concealed Carry State.
  • Does FL or UT non-resident permit count for training? No.
  • Does DD214 count for training? No.
  • Can New York State and New York City resident apply for a NJ non-resident CCW? Yes!
  • Federal Law prohibits anyone with a medicinal or recreational marijuana card from applying for an NJ CCW permit.
  • Can a green card holder, who is not a US citizen, apply for the NJ CCW? If they can legally own a firearm in NJ, yes they can apply.
  • What if I fail? You will have to pay and retake the qualification course. Carrying a gun is a responsibility that needs to be taken seriously.